Sing to us mortals, o Son of Calliope,
thou, whose throat the gods
touched with silver 'neath Elysium's
brightest rays. Marry thy fair
mother's verse afresh with sacred
strains of mighty Apollo's
golden lyre, for Earth's children thirst
to revel in Parnassus' delights, in her
celestial airs and verdant splendour.
Our souls have need of thine ardency,
great minstrel, thou blight
of the sirens, beloved of the ill-starred
Eurydice. How the Nymphs
and deities wept thine anguished cant
to hear! Did not thy melodies
soften the heart of Hades himself, thy
honeyed tones the Erinyes
cause to shed bitterest tears?
Pour 'pon our parched spirits thy river
of mystical notes that once
stopped the wind and waters, charmed
birds and beasts, subdued
Cerberus! Did not raindrops cling fast to
leaves, sole for thy refrains
athirst, for beauty the clouds extolled to
the moon, to distant stars?
Bestow 'pon us such artistry as once the
elements gathered to savour,
for earthly words and tunes have ceased
to move man's spirit. He speaks
not Nature's tongue, nor lives by his own
inmost light. Sing to us, Orpheus,
with the voices of the sea, wind, earth and
fire, that we may stir to life anew,
that we may live
in blissful accord with all Creation.
© 2015 Lily's Verse
Lilium Candidum
Source: commons.wikimedia.org
Artist: Charles François Jalabert
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