Saturday, 18 January 2020


A peace like glass sparkles darkly
thro’ a nival womb of plumes and flurry
in the white swan’s shadow.
My spirit leans into the beckoning storm,
a frozen tale to tell that darkling farrago
of ragged sighs and piercing raindrops.

Pulse and breath lie bound in the spell
of curling tides and watered skies;
this fluid maze would claim my vital force
of violet tones and silver crescents
that once splashed rainbows upon gloom,
cast starlight into forlorn eyes.

“Linger, strive”, speaks a timeless tempest
descending upon an ancient Solfeggio
“for hopes answered, for hearts restored”.
Swirling music eddies upon itself, winding,
returning to heal barren moments past
with one blink of Eternity's eyelid.

Soul and gaze reach aching, labouring still,
toward books of Dreams held in abeyance;
bright chronicles, torrents of crimson ink;
burnished harps upon poets’ tomes,
golden laurels; calls to pilgrims to tread
a purple patch embracing the horizon.

Birthed anew, I rise thro' lancing waves,
Shadow and Passion my Wings, borne upon
a Refrain of Light sounding the waters,
despair subdued, morphed into a new Fire.
Nay, I could not serve Art as a mere vessel
for memories of Life.

© 2020 Lilium Candidum
Lily's Verse

Image: Chariot of Apollo Artist: Odilon Redon Source: