What forces spun into thy bright manifestation
of nival grandeur, Blossom of Winter’s desire?
What visions bequeathed thee
the Heart of Divine Spirit that wreathe thy brow
in gelid canescence, in arcane splendour?
I seek thee this Night, thy hibernal radiance
to mantle my colder vessel, for I am a child
of hiemal realms and snowdrop woods.
Earth’s slumbering is my shrine, great Goddess;
no phoenix, I, but a votary of thy white Fire
that kindles the seeker’s Eye,
thou Chronicler of Nature’s cycles transcribing
the Circle’s path across celestial vellum.
Time’s own Cryptographer art thou, Mother,
enciphering Spirit’s message in the supreme
language of cosmic devising.
Thy warmer glow tints my dreams; opal, pearl,
sepia, of musing and memories, of thine ipseity,
thy treasure trove nor man, nor stars espy.
Thy yearning I would know, thine orison
and rapture, not as instrument of man’s measure,
but as bloom of Love’s empyrean course.
Thy heart would I know; art thou in profound
longing through ages to every star bound?
The mystery of Creation thou wouldst deepen,
to man his soul’s currents unveil,
its ebb and flow, its streams cleaving, uniting,
merging into Completeness. To my inner Portal
thou leadest me, to a dimensionless point
of Silver flames, to a sacred quest, that I may
rise into Truth, soar to the Infinite,
my Voice harmonising with Life’s own chorus.
Before thy Deathless Light I lay my prayer.
© 2020 Lilium candidum
Lily’s Verse
Image: www.pennlive.com