Friday, 10 April 2015


My treasured lyr' I joyful string,
sweetest paeans to Spring compose;
with meadow larks my sisters sing,
as 'pon her green robes they repose.

The woods she fills with violet scents,
with purple stars the hedges studs;
o'er barren boughs she loving bends,
into the dawn bids bashful buds.

'Neath her touch, tender petals swell,
jubilant hues the valleys throng;
of such the chirping minstrels tell,
blooms' whispers weave into their song.

Her fragrance mingles with the tides,
as dawn's mist hovers o'er the lake;
'pon gilded wafts she gentle glides,
drifts of bluebells leaves in her wake.

Her pale beams o'er the treetops swirl,
as honey thro' the branches run;
'long tender bark sweet droplets pearl,
as jewels glisten in the sun.

Her blooming would I emulate,
may vernal chimes my refrains trim;
my airs to her realms elevate, 
as earthly souls with her light brim.

© 2015 Lily's Verse
Lilium Candidum

Artist: Dante Gabriel Rossetti

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