Thursday 6 August 2015


Your godlike gaze I seek each twilight
amid an ocean of eyes.
Where sails the celestial ship that was
once my mainstay? By your
ocular beams I relinquished a sensate
world, your name a signifier
of a higher war, of a call to silent prayer.
I rent every veil, ripped apart
layered dreams, taking the ether alone
for my canvas and parchment,
our rapture for pigment and ink.

Do you now plough through cosmic seas,
your phare obscured by
clouds of dust arcing into my renderings?
How came you to divagate
from your chosen path? Did a stray stellar
storm wrench you from
your course, casting you out of your bright
domain into blackness,
doomed to wander along walls of whirling
winds, through echoes of 
prayer and praise illuminating the stillness? 

Do you regard man's realm still, curating
harmony and peace through
your own vicissitudes? Do you struggle as
he, trapped in grand illusions of
dissembling light, descending into despair
upon their crumbling? Would that
I could barter a lifetime of breaths, ford
floods of fire, for to serve the one who was
my salvation! Yet, naught could
hinder this sacred circle. May you,
flaming chariot, ever journey truthward.

© 2015 Lily's Verse
Lilium Candidum

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