Thursday, 14 January 2021




A Strand sought you; longing for kin

seized a Cosmic Filament,

drawing its fragment to a Beginning

and Fundament.

In you, it found a voice, met echoes

of Time and Tides,

of meaning and epiphany it yearned

to weave into Life's plane.

Each word you speak and pen spells

an iteration of Living,

even as the light of false convictions

clamours its darkness

through a world unmoored from the

spirit’s nutriment.

Doubt and terror unmake life breath

by waning breath;

yet you follow the jagged Star,

forsaking flower-paths for a cliff face,

for a passage along

ragged rocks through stony deserts,

tranquil in the certitude

of abiding blossoming within,

these gardens a love that enfolds

leafed and barren branches

alike waters and suns into lushness.

Stories thrive in its heart

along a pulsing Thread of indigo Fire

where Eye and Vision embrace,

where you dream Knowing into Being

that paints Tomorrow within

a mute poem of parched lines etched

against the cold blue camber

of Winter skies,

for the truths of place lie in spaces

consecrated to Silence,

in borderlands nor latent nor manifest.

Import shall meet its voice

in another age, in another tongue,

limned so long as Wonder

splits silver-white souls into rainbows

and Earth embraces the shadow

of plumes rising from its last Pyre.


© 2020 Lilium candidum

Lily’s Verse

Image: (@BigHitEnt)

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