Thursday, 19 June 2014


"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may"
so the great poet Herrick did say,
but I’d not my lot with thine cast,
young love's ardour, I fear, would not last.

Thou wouldst propose on bended knee,
yet, in thy heart, wouldst thou fain be free.
Desist, for thou art a mere lad!
No taste of misfortune hast thou had.

Lips with ease such tenderness form
when the days be clear, clement and warm.
Lasses smile, enamoured of thee,
thine eyes aglow with rapture I see.

Eighteen Summers have we yet seen,
the ways of our world would we still glean,
mine own heart would I nearer know,
in mind and soul would I further grow.

Tho' longing leave thy brow forlorn,
Spring's passion by Autumn will be gone,
a passing whim, a mere caprice,
for naught would I forfeit my heart's peace.

With sweetest yearning tho' thou gaze,
precious lad, I be wise to youths' ways,
this bloom wouldst thou bend to thy will,
flit away when thou hast had thy fill.

Sing me thine airs, speak thy pen's art,
lament not the hours we pass apart,
steal a kiss and my cheek caress,
Not all of me shalt thou yet possess.

© 2014 Lily's Verse
Lilium Candidum


Artist: Élisabeth Sonrel

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