As roses my lays breathe perfume,
as charms they waken fields and plains;
to Earth they fall, light as a plume,
her spreads warm till no frost remains.
To beauteous Gaea blithe I chant,
my hymns and paeans bless the air;
a goddess fair her boon did grant,
the name of Brizo now I bear.
Nor kith nor kin know whence I came,
nor whither I would aim to go;
Spring’s streams I trace with dawn aflame
to fields where pearl-kissed lilies grow.
'Mid nacred blossoms was I found,
with milky buds 'pon infant brow;
a shepherd did my words astound -
this orphan lisped an arcane vow.
‘Tis said of Aoede I spoke,
the Muse my voice with silver touched;
with praise of her one morn I woke,
her laurel in wee fingers clutched.
Sole blooms for ornament I take,
my garb I weave of threads sapphir',
for naught would I my one troth break,
my life I pledged this sacred lyr'.
These strings with love and art I drew,
their strains ring dulcet, gay and warm;
from boughs that life and death construe
I carved its matchless arch-ed form.
My gladsome airs hail man and beast,
as tales of winds and trees I tell;
E’en leaves thrum to my tuneful feast
as birds their praise enchanted spell.
My song bids all serene disport,
‘pon Nature’s path anew begin;
to this I troubled souls exhort,
their harmony to seek within.
© 2014 Lily's Verse
Lilium Candidum
Image source:
'The Charmer'
Artist: John William Waterhouse
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