Friday, 19 June 2015


With nimble gait o'er rills I pass,
my hymns the woodlands fill;
tho' May her gayest vestments wore,
June's hues are brighter still.

Her fields in gauzy gold she drapes,
her leas with blitheness ring;
anon shall our fair Queen espouse
her radiant Lord and King.

Gilt nets I cast into the mists,
for scented wisps to snare;
green veils with palest purple tints
to Summer's bride I bear.

The hills their heads in wonder raise,
as o'er the mead I sweep;
my gifts all wish to 'spy, ere I
into the great vale leap.

For there she bides, in bluebell glades,
her groom serene awaits;
his beauteous orb the dawn shall lead
thro' Heaven's golden gates.

'Mid floral plumes the bridesmaids all
their lady rapt attend;
her pulchritude the glade enchants,
e'en stars before her bend.

Her lissomness the curved light drapes,
her shoulders dewdrops dress;
blossom pearls she smiling weaves
into her silken tress.

The Sun upon her brow shall place
his finest gilded ray; 
their glad espousal Earth shall bless
this hallowed Solstice Day.

© 2015 Lily's Verse
Lilium Candidum

Artist: John William Waterhouse

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