Whose canvas art thou, little jewel
on wing? What magic
brush doth he wield, who traceth
thy curves and waves,
such in violaceous tones arrayeth?
What convey these rainbow stipples
and spots, thou beauteous
friend of zephyrs? Did the artist, shy,
fearful of discovery, thus
secret epistles to his beloved pen?
Or art thou a fragment of a painter's
palette, weary grown of
leafless halls, borne aloft by colours
athirst for Summer's blue,
of a celestial crystal azure bereft?
Perchance did fair Iris her riven robe
with silver stardust strew,
for shimmering shreds o'er flower'd
meadows to cast, that
Earth her floating vestments may don.
My poet's tongue thy song would limn,
thy mystical mission, thine
earthly purpose, for my childhood days
didst thou with lightness imbue,
with joyful teaching and gentle healing.
Thro' groves thine airy path I followed,
'long brooks, 'neath oaks, 'pon
carpets of sky; when Angels our souls
spirit away, our hearts
e'er in Summer's greenwoods shall fly.
© 2015 Lily's Verse
Lilium Candidum
Source: www.liveinternet.ru
Artist: John Collier
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