Sunday, 3 May 2015


A white gold haze slides down
the hillsides o'er primrose
chasing daffodil chasing marigold,
gathering early Summer's
sunshine hues, ere it pours into
enchanted vales 
in emerald clothed.

'Mid these verdant spreads 
hawthorns bloom, ancient lore they
limn to the pure of heart and soul.
'Tis as though faeries 'pon 
the branches danced; each step a
petal wrought, ev'ry twirl,
a tasselled blossom.

Fey, fragrant froth veils the ash
grey bole and humming
leaves with the softest shimmer
as tho' out of sunlit clouds
distilled, for this beloved of the
good folk to festoon by day,
as the air and birdsong warmer
grow, for by night their
revels to illumine. 

© 2015 Lily's Verse
Lilium Candidum

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