Monday 28 December 2015


A coralline climbing rose curved
o'er the hushed gap 
betwixt Summer's garden
and ceaseless, seasonless decay,
its heady scent spiralling
'cross greening walls and grey
into canescent, cortinate disarray. 
Clusters of clement cloudlets
showered their smiles
'pon this enclave life had forsaken,
blooms shimmering as
translucent pink gems Light engraved, 
obeying Nature's immutable law,
her sacred cycle.
Sumptuous blossoms fluttered,
as Zephyrus trailed
his airy fingers 'cross their satin petals,
these plucking as heavenly harp strings.
'Mid such music of Hope, 
light grew, multiplying as tho' Dawn
her flame had placed betwixt enchanted
crystal mirrors,
suffusing the bitter, dispossessed air
with brittle brightness.
Dewdrops fell  from lilting leaves
to the ground too long
untouched by tears,
sowing memories of joy and grief
that had hallowed the soil 
that nourished them, these golden
keys to wonders that awaited
beyond the spheres of Night and Day.
'Mid peaceful quiet, this space
now breathes, restored to wholeness,
weaned away from rancour,
its fragrant pulse beating in accord
with Earth's, 
with the heart of Summer's Queen,
Beauty's healing instrument.

© 2015 Lily's Verse
Lilium Candidum

Image: ROSES (edited)
Artist: Anna Syberg

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