Thursday, 15 January 2015


Your whistling crescendo garlands
the crepuscular air, hovers
'pon cascades of night jasmine, as
Twilight braids myriad 
diamond blossoms into Dark's lush,
lustrous locks.

Fragrant cadences I imbibe 'mid
the pearly gossamer.
Their cascading silver my soul
could not sunder
from the frozen sparkle of Night's
dearest jewels, from
Selene's nacred glow.

No brighter gem I see, glorious one!
Joyously paired are we;
you sing, for to hallow, hearten and
heal, for to stir my
petrified heartstrings into 
resounding praise.

Dawn peers o'er the horizon, Night's
jewels she gathers to
her earthly heralds' tunes.
My paeans rise upon my wing into
the Day Star's gentle,
honeyed warmth. 

Nightingale and lark are we, our
spirits wedded, as mountains
to the mist, as perfumed 

meadows to the soft Spring breeze.
At Day's portals our 
melodies entwine, each note 
to its mate restored,
eternal cantillation, our blessing,
eternal harmony, our mission.

© 2015 Lily's Verse
Lilium Candidum

Artist: Pierre-Auguste Cot

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