Friday, 8 August 2014


At Her altar alone he pays homage, his one 
true Love, fount of grace abiding.

Body arched, head bowed, in tender embrace
he enfolds his instrument, the twain meld in
Her reverence.

Tales he recounts of humankind, of life's
warp and weft, of defeat and triumph, within 
and without.

Sole before Her he prostrates himself, his one
sustenance, his soul's rhythm.

Divested of all ties that bind, his spirit merged
with Her, at once winning and elusive,
his blight and salvation he woos.

Bliss unbounded surges when notes mellifluous  
companionable dance, as gossamer alight upon
his page. 

Vanquished, distraught, stretched prone upon 
cold stone, tears of blood he sheds for euphony,
seeming now a distant dream.

Song of his being is She, the blade of pain in
his throat, his famine and feast, his wolfsbane
and ambrosia.

His cadences, now tranquil, now jubilant, paint
halcyon days, treasured memories. Sparkling
tones tell of union with his Love,
of melodies inchoate.

Pain he would disavow his tunes threads, 
its thrum, unseen, to us unbeknownst,
harmony in our own heartstrings meets.

Alone he worships at Her altar, his one quest,
his life's Refrain.

© 2014 Lily's Verse
Lilium Candidum

Artist: Sir Edward John Poynter

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