Monday, 14 July 2014

It is my pleasure and privilege to dedicate this poem to true artists everywhere. I hope these verses are worthy of you. You inspired them.


Time's wraithlike threads weave an
impalpable silver veil. 
This perspicuous enigma, 
a mystical, 
discarnate grace, embosoms all life.

Her warp and weft, 
her every hue, 
she reveals to dauntless souls 
who would see. These blessed vessels 
of Fate, to Mother Earth tethered, 
wield Her sacred implements -
quill, brush, chisel, tones.

Spirits revelling in ecstatic 
they glory in the faceless clock;
thirsting, they reach for 
the Infinite.

Through divine portals 
are they led into
the Universe fleeting
whispers its secrets, 
reveals its
mysteries, bestows visions 
and strains 
to man unknown upon the chosen:

Unstruck music of cosmic 
sparkling laughter of the 
Sun's rays,
triumphant stellar chorales,
the Moon's silken glide,
soughs of dying stars;

Murmurs of souls newly 
kindling of new life's heart,
susurrus of life blood,
resigned weeping of evanescence,
sacred silences of the tomb,

of Creation's own altar,
in one earthly moment.

© 2014 Lily's Verse
Lilium Candidum

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